Top 25 Tricky Interview Questions for Selenium

Selenium has established a wonderful reputation for itself among the variety of different Automation Testing Courses Tools that are readily available on the market. It is a portable framework that may be used to test web applications without the requirement to learn a particular test scripting language. It offers testing across a variety of browsers and covers the majority of widely used programming languages. When considered collectively, all of these features help to make Selenium the top option for automation testing. Given its usefulness and popularity, many of you would undoubtedly wish to become proficient in using the instrument. So, you've come to the perfect site if you want to ace a Selenium interview like a pro. You will receive a well curated PDF of Selenium Tricky Interview Questions. According to current market demands, this list of Selenium Tricky Interview Questions has been created.

We'll examine the Top 25 Selenium Tricky Interview Questions for Experienced in this blog. These challenging Selenium interview questions were carefully selected from the group of questions thought to be most crucial for people with advanced or experienced knowledge. Let's look at these Selenium Tricky Interview Questions without further ado.


Tricky Interview Questions for Selenium

1. How do I debug tests in Selenium IDE?

One of the traditional Selenium Tricky Interview Questions is this one.

·         You must first put breakpoints where you wish to debug then step-by-step run the test after doing so.

·         The test case is then executed.

·         The execution then comes to a stop at the breakpoint's maintained location.

·         Once this is complete, you can click the Run button to continue running each command in turn.

2. Why should TestNG be used with Selenium RC?

TestNG aids in delivering the crucial flexibility required in particular circumstances. For instance, we will be forced to run the test cases from the command line if the automation test suite's specification calls for it to function with various client platforms and servers. Additionally, it will be necessary to add flexibility in the test-creation process and to provide for the regular output of reports. This is made possible by TestNG.

Read our blog post on "What are TestNG Annotations" if you want to learn more about them.

3. How does Selenium WebDriver handle frames?

The inline frame, often known as the iframe, is used to embed one HTML document inside of another.

As a result, you have several choices.

·         Choosing an iframe by ID:

"ID of the frame," driver.switchTo().frame;

·         Finding an iframe using tagName:


·         iframe location using index:

·         frame(index)


·         "Name of the Frame" in frame

"Name of the frame," driver.switchTo().frame;

·         frame (WebElement element)

the Parent Window option



4. Take the following example: Selenium Script works in Chrome but not in IE. How can you fix the problem?

A script's ability to run on IE may be hindered for a variety of reasons. You can, however, make an effort to fix the problem in a variety of ways.

·         Be sure to use the most recent version of the Selenium IE Driver.

·         ensuring that the IE driver and the working environment are compatible

·         Setting the 'Enabled Protected Mode' option on the Security Tab to the same value for each zone

·         Continuing to configure the IE driver by importing dependencies and using the setProperty method

·         minimising exceptions by using CSS selectors

·         the creation of a registry entry

·         While running the script, Internet Explorer's internet security settings ought to be disabled.

·         utilising modern selenium jars

·         when clicking items, using JavaScriptExecutor rather than native click

·         enabling JavaScript support in the IE browser


5. Is it possible to test responsive web design with Selenium?

Applications are now used much more frequently on smartphones and tablets as well as laptops. Additionally, this has raised the requirement for testing responsive web design. However, it would be a very time-consuming and laborious process to personally test every programme across every single platform. Additionally, it might cause needless delays in the product's release. Therefore, it makes sense to automate RWD testing, and one may do so by using the Galen framework. With its assistance, one may run tests in the cloud and carry out parallel testing because it operates in Selenium Grid.


6. What kinds of listeners are there in TestNG?

TestNG's listener types include the following:

·         IConfigurable

·         IExecutionListener

·         IAnnotationTransformer

·         IHookable

·         IInvokedMethodListener

·         IInvokedMethodListener2

·         IConfigurationListener

·         IReporter

·         ITestListener

·         IMethodInterceptor

·         ISuiteListener

7. Which API is necessary for Selenium WebDriver database testing?

The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API will be needed for this. It makes it easier to run SQL statements.

8. Can Selenium handle window pop-ups?

Selenium does not support handling of window pop-ups because it only supports testing online applications, not mobile or Windows-based ones. The handling of such pop-ups necessitates outside assistance. The external tools Autolt and Robot Class are two examples. An alert is displayed as a pop-up window with a warning message. There aren't many possibilities here.

·         Dismiss the void ()

When you select the "cancel" button in the alert box, this approach is activated.

·         I accept void ()

The "ok" button in the alert box calls this technique into action.

·         text from a string ()

This procedure is used to record the alert message.

·         False sendKeys (String stringToSed)

When you want to transmit some data to an alert box, you call this method.

9. Can Selenium WebDriver be used to take screenshots?

Yes, as stated in the question above. The TakeScreenshot function can be used to take screenshots. In order to save the screenshot, you can use the getScreenshotAs() method.

((TakeScreenshot)driver) File scrFile = (outputType. FILE); getScreenshotAs;


10. What Does a Robot Class Mean?

The Robot class assists in giving the mouse and keyboard devices control. It contains:

·         KeyPress()

when attempting to hit any key

·         KeyRelease()

invoked to cause the keyboard's pressed key to release

·         MouseMove()

used to command the mouse to move in the X and Y directions

·         MousePress()

asked to click the mouse's left button

11. What do Selenium assertions mean? What kinds are there?

The usage of assertions as checkpoints aids in maintaining the orderly flow of commands. They serve as validating tools that help determine whether a test case is acting in accordance with expectations or not. Some test suites, like a sanity or a regression suite, run for extended periods of time. It may not be feasible to manually monitor the execution in such circumstances. Testers use assertions to designate test cases as passed or failed.

There are primarily two categories of statements. Which are:

·         Softly imply

Only the condition and the result are verified and provided by this statement. In the event that the test case fails, it does not lead to the termination of the test case execution.

·         Firmly assert

This assertion checks for the anticipated outcome, and if the condition is not met, execution is terminated and the "java.lang.AssertionError" exception is displayed.

Selenium's various Hard Assertions come in the following varieties:

·         assertNull()

·         assertNotNull()

·         assertEquals()

·         assertNotEquals()

·         assertTrue()

·         assertFalse()

12. How may broken links be located in Selenium?

One of the frequently challenging Selenium interview questions is this one.

You can keep going through the steps below to find broken links.

·         Using the a> anchor tag, you must compile all of the links that are present on a web page. Use the attribute 'href' value to create a hyperlink for each of the a> tags.

·         For each link, you must then issue HTTP queries and check the HTTP response code.

·         You may detect whether the link is working or not based on the HTTP response code. After that, you can navigate to a URL using the driver.get() method, which should return a status of 200-OK. When the link returns a 200-OK, it is operational. However, if you receive a different status, that would mean the connection is broken.

·         Repeat the procedure for every link that was captured.


13. How does Silk Test Tool work?

Enterprise applications can be tested for regression and automated functionality using the Silk Test Tool. It enables users to record application sessions in order to construct tests. With the aid of the programme, users may also improve the test by including test logic and verifications as well as replaying tests to guarantee the appropriate operation of the apps.

14. What are the various navigation instructions that Selenium offers?

The following commands are included on the list:

·         navigate().forward()

Based on the user's browsing history, the command assists in directing them to the subsequent web page.

·         navigate().back()

According to the user's browser history, the command assists in directing the user to the most recent or previous web page.

·         navigate().to()

Based on the provided URL, the command assists in directing the user to a new web page in a new window.

·         navigate().refresh()

By reloading all of the web elements, the command assists the user in refreshing the currently open web page.

15. How does WebDriver assert the web page's title?

You must take the subsequent actions in order to accomplish this goal.

·         "import org.testng.Assert;" is the command to import the Assert class.

·         A WebDriver object must be created by you: FirefoxDriver() new WebDriver driver;

·         This might be used to support the website's title.


16. How may a hybrid framework-based HTML report be created in TestNG?

The following steps can be used to create a customised HTML report:

·         With the aid of an ant, Junit

·         TestNG employs the built-in default file

·         Use XSL files as well.


17. In TestNG, how can I skip a method or a block of code?

You can set the test annotation's 'enabled' value to false to bypass a certain test method.

testing (enabled = false)

The enabled parameter's default value is true. As a result, it is not necessary to specify the annotation as true at the time of definition.


18. Describe the value of testing.xml

The importance of utilising TestNG in Selenium is well known. However, how does TestNG define test suites and test class groupings?

Getting instructions from the testing.xml file makes this easier. The source code for testing cannot define a test suite. As the suite is a crucial component of execution, it is instead represented in an XML file. You must generate a testing.xml file in order to execute a set of test cases, or test cases in a suite. The names of all the methods and classes that you want to call as part of the execution flow would be listed in it.

Additionally, the testing.xml file supports parallel execution, group execution of test cases, and execution of numerous test cases from various classes.


19. What distinguishes the commands driver.close() and driver.quit()?

The two commands are comparable in that neither takes a value nor accepts any parameters.


20. What is the distinction between Selenium's findElement() and findElements() functions?




The command helps in finding one particular element within the current page using the locating mechanism. It returns the first element located by the locator.

The command helps in finding all the elements within the current page using the locating mechanism. Consequently, it returns a list of matching web elements found by the locator.


21. How many parameters are required by a Selenium command, at the very least?

Selenium has four parameter choices. Which are:

·         Host

Instead of a local host, Selenium can be connected to a specific IP address.

·         Browser

shows which browser should be used to run the selenium scripts.

·         Specified Port

The port number identifies the TCP/IP port that may be supplied to link the Selenium tests to the Grid hub. You should also confirm that no other programme with the same port number is running somewhere else on the same computer.

·         URL

The test cases within that are triggered by the application URL.


22. How is the required functionality beneficial in the context of Selenium?

This is yet another example of a challenging Selenium interview question.

Desired Capability describes a particular feature or functionality. It has a number of key-value pairs that can be used to record data about the browser's name, its location in the system, its version, and other things that affect how the browser behaves when it is running.

With Selenium, the desired capability can be used to configure the driver instance. It is especially useful if you want to run the test cases on several operating systems, browser versions, and versions.


23. What is Page Factory?

The Page Object Model can be executed more efficiently thanks to Page Factory. Object-oriented implementation techniques are used. It functions as a built-in POM framework that Selenium WebDriver offers to enable Page Object Design patterns.

The By() method is used to implement POM with Page Factory; no imports or cache storage are required. The components of the Page Object are initialised using the Page Factory. Use of "FindElements" is optional. An alternative is to use annotations like @FindBy to locate Web elements and the initElements method to initialise web elements obtained from the Page Factory class.

24. What purpose does database automation testing serve? Is it possible to test databases with Selenium?

The importance of the database itself can be used to determine the value of database automation testing. The database is essential for storing and organising data. Therefore, automated database testing aids in

·         precise value storing and retrieval from the database

·         Processing data without errors

·         Finding issues that front-end testing cannot pick up

·         ACID property validation (ACID implies Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability)

·         Data Integrity and Proper Data Mapping

Database testing can absolutely be done with Selenium. A connection between the database and the server will need to be made. A JDBC connection can make this easier. JDBC, a Java API with a SQL foundation, aids with database connection and query execution. You can then process the outcomes. The following are the main parts of JDBC:

·         Driver Supervisor

·         Driver

·         Connection


25. What does TestNG's parameterization mean?

In essence, parameterization is a technique that involves declaring values and passing them as test class parameters. Developers benefit from repeatedly running the same test with different values. When several login credentials for various test environments are needed, it is helpful. With Data Providers and testng.xml, TestNG makes it easier to give arguments to the test methods.


I'm confident that this PDF of Selenium Automation Testing Tricky Interview Questions will be a helpful resource for anyone looking to get ready for a Selenium interview. This list of Selenium Tricky Interview Questions should offer you a good understanding of some of the most significant subjects you may be asked about at a high level. Even if the list isn't comprehensive, it will undoubtedly aid you in your preparation.

Software Development Engineers in Test have learned to love Selenium as a highly recommended Automation Testing Tool (SDET). With the help of Syntax Technologies' SDET training programme, you can not only develop the abilities required to hold the title of SDET but also gain practical experience with technologies like Selenium.


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