In Selenium Web Driver, Assertions



Users can validate any type of test using assertions. The outcomes of the assertion are based on a comparison of the actual and anticipated results. Only when there are no exceptions in the Assertions is a test said to have passed. Thus, using assertions effectively is essential for finding bugs in the programme under test. This blog aims to shed light on the numerous Assert statements that the Selenium Automation Testing Web driver supports.

Verify Commands in Selenium vs. Assert

Selenium typically offers two types of validation checks: one that employs assertions and the other that incorporates "Verify" statements. Despite the fact that both have the same goal, there is still a significant variation in the way they perform.

Hard Assertions place tight restrictions on the test script when they fail, stopping further programme execution. Verify checks get test results for several conditions even if one of them fails. Although Soft Assertions operate differently from Hard Assertions in that normal execution continues even when the asserting script fails, whether to employ assertions or verify statements depends only on the user's preferences.


Frequently Made Assertions

Assert Equals

When using Assert Equals, the test results are given based on a comparison between the Expected condition and the Actual condition. The employment of assert equals as a validation check to ensure that the Title of the homepage displayed for the provided site is correct is demonstrated in the example below.

testCaseVerifyTitlePage() is a public void.

new FirefoxDriver(), driver;

" destination=%2Fhomepage.action", driver.navigate().to;

"Log In - Perficient Wiki," driver.getTitle(), Assert.assertEquals;



Assert Not Equals

For Testers, "Assert Not Equals" fulfils the objective of negation testing. The test script passes if the Actual and Expected do not match; else, it fails. The example that follows shows how to use "Assert Not Equals" to check the presentation of text that varies dynamically depending on the date.


testCaseVerifyDate () public void

Actualtext is equal to driver.findElement(By.xpath("/h3/span")). getText();

"Here comes the surprise gift for every order on Sunday, January 1, 2017," "Expected and Actual do not match when the test is conducted on December 31st, 2016," Actualtext; Assert.assertNotEquals;


Assuming the aforementioned Scenario is tested on December 31st, 2016, this Test Case will pass.


Assert True

The boolean result returned must be "True" in order for this assertion to pass the test step. The example that follows shows how a user verifies that the default checkbox is selected on the supplied website.

testDefaultCheckbox() is public void.

new FirefoxDriver(), driver;

'driver.get' (' destination=%2Fhomepage.action');

Driver.findElement("os cookie")); defaultchk1

"n" plus defaultchk1.isSelected() in the system output;


"Assertion Passed successfully," System.out.print;



Assert false

Only when the boolean result returned is "False" does "Assert False" succeed in the Test Step. The example that follows shows how the user verifies that the optional checkbox is not selected in the designated site.

TestOptionalCheckbox public void

new FirefoxDriver(), driver;

'driver.get' (' destination=%2Fhomepage.action');

Driver.findElement("os cookie")); optionalchk

System.out.print "n" + optionalchk.isSelected() ;


"Assertion Passed successfully," System.out.print;


Assert Null

This assertion checks to see if the object being tested is null and succeeds if the answer is yes.

Let's have a look at an aspect that the user uses the Assert Null statement to confirm is enabled in the application.

testEnabledText() is public void.

'driver.get' (' destination=%2Fhomepage.action');

driver.findElement(By.xpath("/input[@id='text2′]")); enatxt;


"Assertion Passed successfully," System.out.print;


Because the "enatxt" element does not have a disabled attribute, the enatxt.getAttribute("disabled") object will return "null" in the example above. So, that claim will be accepted.


Assert Not Null

In contrast to "Assert Null," this assertion has the opposite effect. Therefore, this assertion checks to see if the object being tested is not null, and it succeeds if the result is true. Let's take an element that the programme is supposed to disable into consideration. The user uses the Assert Not Null statement to confirm this.

testDisabledText() is public void.

'driver.get' (' destination=%2Fhomepage.action');

driver.findElement(By.xpath ("/input[@id='text21']") returns distxt;


"Assertion Passed successfully," System.out.print;



Assert Same

This assertion verifies if two objects relate to the same object; if they do, the assertion succeeds; otherwise, it fails. Using "Assert.assert same" to test two objects that refer to the same object is demonstrated in the example below:

the AssertSameTest Demo public class


final String key + public String getTextValue

Mapstring, string=""> textProps = new HashMap();

"text1," "value 1," textProps.put;

"text2," "value 2," textProps.put;

"text3," "value 3," textProps.put;

get textProps with key;



void public isSameTest()

Abc = new AssertSameTest Demo (AssertSameTest Demo);

if (abc. getTextValue ("text1"), abc. text1; getTextValue;



Assert Not Same

This assertion verifies that two objects do not share a reference to the same object; if they do, the assertion succeeds; otherwise, it fails. The usage of "Assert.assert Not same" for testing two objects that relate to two separate objects is demonstrated in the example below.

the AssertNotSameTest Demo public class

final String key + public String getTextValue

Mapstring, string=""> textProps = new HashMap();

"text1," "value 1," textProps.put;

"text2," "value 2," textProps.put;

"text3," "value 3," textProps.put;

get textProps with key;



the isNotSameTest() public void

Input xyz = new AssertNotSameTest Demo ();

xyz.getTextValue ("text1"), xyz.assertNotSame(xyz. text3); getTextValue




Automation is bound to rule production activities in the future. It is held to propel efficiency as well as guarantee ROI. Given so, Selenium Automated Testing is bound to remain the tool of choice. It may have its own disadvantages; however, its benefits overshadow other tools, predominantly in three specific areas: cost, flexibility and parallel testing.


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